XIMIVOGUE New Store in Guyana
XIMIVOGUE’s new store in Guyana
Congratulations and good luck with XIMIVOGUE's new store in Essequibo Islands-West Demerara, Guyana! May it accomplish its dreams with success!
Anyone who has ever run a retail business knows that there are many different factors that contribute to the overall success of a retail business. Here XIMIVOGUE would like to share some tips to enhance a store's performance, take this new store as an example, which is nearly five times its expected sales goals.
- Ideal store location
As we all know, good store locations are usually those found in places with ideal foot traffic. As open spaces for people to visit, whether they are there to shop or while away time, shopping malls allow the stores to be exposed to ogling eyes and thus improve the store's chances to make a profit.
Ideally located in a large famous shopping mall on the main road of the region, this new store provides a pleasurable and convenient shopping environment for the nearby residents.
Surrounded by hospitals, schools, banks, and residential areas, this new store also enjoys favorable foot traffic. By putting up soothing, eye-catching arches and balloons, it successfully attracted a considerable amount of customers.
- Expansive customer base
Customers are the key to the success of a new store. Therefore, it is essential to know that and develop a strategy right from the opening of a new store.
The survey shows that the main customer base of the store includes local Indians, Brazilians, Chinese, Africans, Venezuelans, Portuguese Surinamese, and more.
By understanding their desires, habits, and other characteristics, this new store has a good understanding of its products and target audience, which in turn boosts its sales performance a lot.
- Attractive product display
Product displays and new arrivals are the most important aspects of a store. Not only can they help attract new customers but also retain their interest and thus increase sales.
By strategically displaying 10 categories of fast fashion FMCGs, this new store successfully engages customers in its products, builds its awareness, and drives more sales.
- Advantageous social media marketing
As consumers spend more time on social media, this channel will give new stores unprecedented access to influence purchasing decisions at every stage.
By conducting promotions on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, this new store caught the eyes of potential customers online in advance.
Do you want to open such a store? Do not hesitate to follow the below easy steps:
01. Apply: complete the online application, and get a reply from XIMIVOGUE.
02. Visit: visit a store nearby or visit the company/store/warehouse in XIMIVOGUE headquarters.
03. Sign: sign the agreement online or offline.
04. Open: open the XIMIVOGUE store, and get long-term service & support.
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Phone: +86-20-66600099
Website: https://www.ximiso.com
2023-10-13 16:04:00 +0800 CST